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Who is on your Bus ?

Posted by Deirdre Albrighton on 1 November 2013
Who is on your Bus ?
As your business grows you may need to employ additional staff with different skills or even employ staff for the first time. Making the right choice and ensuring you meet your obligations to your employees can ensure your business continues to succeed. Before you employ anyone new you really need to do your homework on the type of person that you want and not just from a skills perspective - perhaps the most important question is what kind of person fits into the culture of your organisation. Who do you need on your 'bus' and what skills and personality type will fit your culutre. We can help, we want your business to succeed. Contact Deirdre today to discuss our Psychcometric services and recruitment options today. 
Author:Deirdre Albrighton
Tags:Baby BoomersAlbrighton ConsultingHuman ResourcesrecruitmentTrainingSmall Business