Highlight Your Selling Points

A selling point is a statement about a skill or quality you have that directly meets an employer's need. A selling point is some aspect of your knowledge, skills or personal strengths – something in your training or education, some vital piece of experience, or your past performance (proven track record). You can highlight your selling points to potential employers or recruitment agencies when talking about the position in your resume, in your cover letter, and in job interviews.

Selling points can come from life experience as well as paid work, so think about skills you've gained in volunteer work, or even through managing your family budget.

When thinking about your selling points:

  • identify the job requirements – what does the employer need? What are the tasks, skills, qualities, knowledge and experience they're looking for?
  • identify situations that prove you meet the employer's needs. For each requirement or need, think about where and how you have demonstrated that you possess that skill or that knowledge.


Be time-specific


A timeframe helps to prove your selling point. Ask yourself:

  • When did I do this (in my current job, previous job)?
  • How often did I do this (daily, weekly, monthly, annually)?
  • During how many work phases did it occur (it was noted in my past three reviews)?
  • For how long did I demonstrate this (how many weeks, years etc.)?
  • How long did it take me (hours, days, weeks etc.)?


Provide proof


Give the employer a clear picture of what you achieved by using:

  • numbers ('I handled 200 calls per day.')
  • percentages ('The measures I initiated resulted in a 40 per cent increase in annual revenue.')
  • ratios ('four out of every five calls resulted in a sale.')
  • key people's opinions or compliments.

Make sure your selling points are believable and can be proven. Never lie, exaggerate or take credit for something you didn't do.


Sample selling points or skills statements


  • I have undertaken accredited training in Microsoft computer programs and have trained fellow team members to use the programs.
  • I listened carefully to customer inquiries or complaints and acted promptly when assisting them. I scored 98 per cent on the last customer satisfaction survey.
  • I enjoy coming up with creative solutions to routine tasks. Recently, I developed a list of possible telephone response statements for our organisation. I presented them to management at a staff meeting and they have been adopted.
  • I have completed additional training in Occupational Health and Safety and Level 3 First Aid.
  • I noticed that MYOB is a requirement of this position. I have used Quickbooks and I am confident I can transfer my knowledge to suit the organisation's requirements.